Friday, January 7, 2011

Creating a Party

You have an event coming up and you want to celebrate but your not sure you know how....stress no more here is an easy check list for you to go by.  You can make an EXTREMELY intricate, a simple gathering or anywhere in between.  Just follow this guide and you'll be great! 

Define the event- If its a wedding Obviously the wedding is for the bride and groom but is it also "for" the guests?  What I mean by that is are you creating the event according the guests needs and wants.  For example, the music choice are you making that based on what the bride and groom listen to or what is appropriate for all attendees?  The cuisine,  is it something every one will enjoy or simply what the bride and groom want? 
If its a child's Birthday, who is the audience the children or the adults?  This is more difficult the younger the children.  For example for a child turning 1 or 2 you can do either a child's party with children food and activities or you can have an adult party with adult food and decor but make it child friendly.  Neither way is correct they are just different, and it is important to define the event before planning because you will be essentially defining your audience. 

Choose a Venue- based on your audience and the space requirements for all your attendees

Choose a theme-  No matter how big or small the event their needs to be at least one consistency throughout.  If could be as simple as a color or as complex as a movie theme.  This will help when you pick out your decorations and essentials that you will need. 

Choose activities,  There are many things that can be done at parties, dancing, eating, talking, singing, playing, opening gifts, eating cake, watching a presentation etc.  You will want to make sure you have outlined these in advance to make enough time to get everything done you want to get done.  Even eating is an event that needs to have time allotted to.  If you are having a gathering that is lacking in activities you can create topics of conversation by adding things such as silly questions attached to the bottom of every ones drink glass or have extreme decor and decorations that will spark conversation on their own. 

If there will be food and drink at your event:  PLAN.  there are so many things that can go wrong with food and drink that everything needs at least a run through in your head.  Everything from temperatures food and drink should be served at to what plates/platters/cups/glasses etc.  needs to be used.  Make sure you know where everything is going to be set out and that there is enough room for everything.  If possible and important to you make sure everything is visually appealing.

Clean- Make sure there is a place for Jackets/Purses, People to sit, trash receptacles, restrooms,  etc.  There is always going to be things that come up but you need to make sure your guests feel comfortable in a clean and tidy environment. 

Remember to have fun!!!!!

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